Sustained Energy for Dancers

Whether you just want to learn how to make it through a dance event with sustained energy or you want to learn how to transform your life, this workshop, Sustained Energy for Dancers, will teach you how to manage your energy to achieve improved performance and productivity, improved happiness and improved health. This class was inspired by the book, The Power of Full Engagement, by Tony Schwartz. In the class, you will learn ways to maintain energy at a dance event through sleep, nutrition, exercise, emotional regulation and identifying a sense of purpose.

Sneak Peak:

Emotional Regulation for Sustained Energy

Negative emotions are not bad. Anger can help us know when we are being mistreated. Fear signals danger. Resentment tells us to shore up our boundaries, etc. Negative emotions are infectious though and can zap our energy. Being around negative people can really drain your energy. In my dance troupe, we have a rule that for the first 10 minutes of rehearsal we are going to support each other but then we are going to focus on dance. We know that engaging in dance is restorative and it is part of what helps us with emotional renewal.

In general, your goal should be to try not to stay stuck in negativity too long but focus on what you can do to return to a normal, healthier state. Remember, a little stress has positive effects on our health, chronic stress has very negative effects.

•What is the depth of your emotional renewal?

For example, I heard once that TV is the same as junk food when it comes to emotional restoration. I know when I watch too much TV/Netflix/Youtube videos, I start feeling depressed. What else can you do? What brings you joy? When is the last time you experienced it? Any activity that is enjoyable, fulfilling and affirming is a source of emotional renewal and recovery. Here are some ideas of activities that can result in emotional renewal.

•Practice mindfulness and meditation to relax body/mind

It also helps you understand your existing energy management patterns. I actually started meditating to help me get through weekend dance events when I knew I would need a nap but not have time to take one. I was at ATS(R) Reunion, a yearly event where I am on the event organization team, when I realized I simply had to find a way to renew my energy quickly. I practiced meditating 4-5 times a week and then at the next Reunion I felt like I had cultivated a super power!

•Compulsive and obsessive thinking is a huge energy drainer.

I have an anxiety disorder so this is a huge issue for me. I find that the best way for me to break these thought patterns is to engage in something else that is very interesting. If my anxiety is acting up, I keep a mystery novel on my phone. Reading for 10-15 minutes can sometimes help me re-set. I also ask someone if they need help. Similarly, focusing on someone else is a strategy that works really well for me. Laughter also helps. I have the YouTube APP on my phone and follow some of my favorite comedians. What do you do to help break the cycle of perserverative thoughts?

•Another way to renew your energy is to learn about someone else. 

In conversation, be aware of how much you are talking vs. listening. This is also a golden rule in parenting. If you are talking more than you are listening, time to re-think your approach.

I hope you enjoyed this sneak peak! This workshop was designed and juried into ATS Reunion in 2019 where 83 dancers registered for the class. Since then, another 10 have taken the class on-line through the Belly Dance Business Academy. It is available for purchase for $35.


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